Branch Transformation Prioritized

Altra Federal Credit Union observed a marked change in how members were interacting with credit unions and preferring digital experiences. In an effort the follow their vision of “Helping You Live Your Best Life,” they prioritized branch transformation in their strategy – specifically technology that offered self-service, core integration.  


After empty promises of core integration and varied transaction possibilities from another manufacturer, the technology Altra Credit Union previously had in place was not meeting the functionality they, nor their members, expected. With the Windows 10 ATM Upgrade imminent for their 42 ATMs across Minnesota and Texas, Altra’s interest in advanced technology and the client’s self-service experience heightened. NuSource, a service provider for Altra, stepped in to help.


Altra Credit Union welcomed the opportunity for a Hyosung demonstration with NuSource. Impressed by the technology and ease of use, along with their strong relationship with NuSource, Altra instituted 4 ITMs in the Rochester, Minnesota area and 4 ITMs in the Tyler, Texas area. Customization in transactions, technology, screen marketing and kiosk wraps were a part of their project. 

To enhance the member experience, Altra chose a tablet option for their assisted self-service model. The tablets are held by a solution specialist during office hours to answer member questions while completing transactions on the ITM. 


Altra Credit Union is encouraged by early results. Members are embracing this technology and that is reflected in transaction volume, as well as NPS results. Straightforward is a word used to describe the user experience AND the shift to this self-service, core integration technology. So much so, Altra’s strategy now includes a goal to migrate all ATMs to this technology. Dan Schwaab, Senior Vice President of Retail Operations, noted, “We have had an increase in cost efficiencies – up to $300,000 per year with this Hyosung technology.” 

As an active partner in the strategy, plan and launch, NuSource continues to be an active partner with Altra Credit Union in navigating the intricacies of their branch transformation.